Inner West of Sydney dentist - preventive dentistry

Preventive Dentistry

preventive dentistry sydney

Good oral health habits are one method of preventive dentistry. By taking care of your teeth, by brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist regularly, you will be able to keep your smile intact for years to come.

In addition to quality family dental care, the team at All Needs Dental, led by Dr Achilles Constantinidis, will provide you with the preventive dental care and advice you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong.

The Elements of Preventive Dentistry

There are many ways in which we can assist with your oral health. Here is a look at several of our preventative dental services:


At All Needs Dental, we strongly suggest you visit us once every six months for a dental check-up. The purpose of this is to allow us to closely monitor your oral health and to detect problems early so preventive steps can be put in place to reverse the issue before it’s too late.

Oral Hygiene Guidance

When you develop good oral hygiene habits early in life, you have a head start on keeping your teeth and gums healthy for the rest of your life. When your teeth are strong and healthy, they can better fight off various threats.

The family-friendly team at All Needs Dental can give you the guidance you need in order to keep your smile looking its best for many years to come. The All Needs Dental team in Burwood work hard to increase your knowledge with oral hygiene education.

Children’s Dentistry

We recommend that your little one attends his or her first children’s dentist appointment prior to their third birthday. This allows us to assess the health of their teeth, gums and mouth. Prior to this, your little one is welcome to have a ‘ride in the dental chair’ and teeth counted to familiarise them with our practice and team. It also gives us an opportunity to provide you with the tools necessary to promote good oral health habits in your child.

Scale And Clean

As much as we promote healthy oral habits, there are circumstances that will make brushing some areas of your mouth extremely difficult. In order to prevent bacteria from forming and eventually developing into a larger problem, we recommend the following as part of our regular dental check-up routine.

All Needs Dental provides scaling and cleaning as part of our preventative dental services. Scaling involves the removal of plaque, calculus (hardened plaque) and thus bacteria that can form in those hard to clean places between teeth. A professional cleaning of your teeth regularly helps to keep them strong and healthy.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a common problem that develops as a result of poor oral health. By brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist regularly you can fight the bacteria that can lead to tooth decay. For more information on how you can be proactive in this fight, contact us at All Needs Dental.

Your Inner West of Sydney Local Dentist

Let us help you to preserve your smile with preventative dentistry. The team at All Needs Dental provides you and your family with professional dental care from our dental surgeries in Burwood. To book your appointment, call today.

Do you have questions about how we can help with your dental care?

We can help. Contact us today!